Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Saber Alter- A Little Late for Halloween...

I should have posted WIPS for this costume ages ago. To be perfectly honest, this is one of my many neglected cosplay projects. It's been sitting unfinished for a year >_>;;

...but it's almost done. I just need to add the waistband to the grey skirt, make the corset, and style the wig.

Costume hanging in my sewing area so close to wearable (^w^) Yea!

Shots of how I put the sleeves together. I debated how I wanted to do this for ages... I obsess over even smaller things, though. The collar for example- It's white lace in the reference, but I just didn't like how it looked in application. I ended up making a ruffle out of my grey material and gave it a napkin edge. I'm happier with it matching the rest of the dress even if it's not 100% accurate.
Happy to see this costume finally close to done. I just wish I had made the collar a bit more tight fitting.  I always oversize things!

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