Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Saber Alter- A Little Late for Halloween...

I should have posted WIPS for this costume ages ago. To be perfectly honest, this is one of my many neglected cosplay projects. It's been sitting unfinished for a year >_>;;

...but it's almost done. I just need to add the waistband to the grey skirt, make the corset, and style the wig.

Costume hanging in my sewing area so close to wearable (^w^) Yea!

Shots of how I put the sleeves together. I debated how I wanted to do this for ages... I obsess over even smaller things, though. The collar for example- It's white lace in the reference, but I just didn't like how it looked in application. I ended up making a ruffle out of my grey material and gave it a napkin edge. I'm happier with it matching the rest of the dress even if it's not 100% accurate.
Happy to see this costume finally close to done. I just wish I had made the collar a bit more tight fitting.  I always oversize things!

Friday, June 17, 2011

New Armor for Saber

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After several days of patterning and cutting out sintra, I had a new design for the front of my Saber armor. The whole costume is getting an overhaul for AX. Sadly, there were issues with the sintra not fitting up as nicely as I would have liked. It warps some when heated, and that causes issues when you are trying to get things lined up. So, in a move motivated by a good measure of panic, I decided to make the chest out of wonderflex and minicel foam (basically like craft foam). That's what is pictured above. It's about to get sprayed.

I'm also working on and off on a new Excalibur. The original one is a bit worse for wear, so I'd like to replace it for the convention if I have time. Here's part of it roughed out:
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Friday, May 13, 2011

More Misaki Progress

Been working on Misaki's (Kaichou wa Maidsama) on and off when I can, and last night I finally reached a point where pieces start to fit together. This is simultaneously the best and worst part of making a cosplay. It's wonderful to reach the stage where an end is in sight, but it's also the part where problems happen if you didn't do something right with fit or pattern. Thankfully, it's not a hard project!

Sleeves before being attached to collar and dress:
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Where I am now~
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It's starting to look like it should! ^__^ I have some problem solving to do on a few parts of it, but it's not huge stuff. Happy Happy <3

Monday, May 2, 2011

Saber Lion!

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This is the mane before stuffing it and adding all the darts to it. I can't help but want to laugh. This is the strangest and silliest project I've ever taken on. Hoping to get more than a few laughs from friends with this one.
Downside of this costume- Material. Oh man, I am just one massive rash every time I go to work on it. Wearing it is the same story. I tried the body on (which is done) for just a minute and came out of it like I'd rolled in poison ivy. I'm going to have to figure out what I can wear with it that won't add to the heat issue (oh, yeah, it's hot as hell in it) but will protect my rash prone self  >_<

Monday, April 11, 2011

Starting Misaki

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I have all the pieces cut out and most of it surged. Now it's all a matter of piecing it together. It's such an odd design that I brought out my foam dressform to make the mock up. She's a little bigger than I am, so the corset area had to be fitted to me, but it's times like these that I'm glad I bought it.
I had a wig for this costume in my wig bin so all I have to get is shoes for it. It's nice having most of the materials for a costume here and ready to go! Saving extra fabric is worth it sometimes. :)